
Poliflex is

The well-being of the whole body rests on the well-being of our feet.
For more than fifty years
, we have been guaranteeing the utmost reliability in foot comfort with this conviction.

This has resulted in a company policy based on innovation and the development of new production techniques using high-quality materials.

Ready for total support.


We invest knowledge and expertise in design, capable of devising the most innovative, functional and effective projects.


We approach specific customer needs with a wide range of products and our ability to invent new ones when needed.


Listening is the first step to growth and improvement. Our support is always felt, throughout the project phase we offer our knowledge


The stages of research, study and realisation of the products are taken care of down to the last detail so that each footbed plays the role it was created for in the best possible way.


We have been supporting people's steps for more than 50 years and this has made us reliable by definition.

what we do


Support inserts



Poliflex and Sustainability.

In today's age, the focus on sustainability has become a priority for companies in every sector.

We constantly strive to be environmentally aware by taking sustainable measures.
We promote the well-being of the foot combined with that of the planet.

Investing in research and development not only means ensuring productive progress, but also respecting nature, polluting as little as possible.

to the environment

Today, our focus is particularly on creating an environmentally friendly product by making a series of choices that progressively help reduce pollution, such as:

Using only clean energy:

We carry out continuous research for energy savings, benefiting the economy and the environment.

Using glues and other water-based products

are valued for their low toxicity. low environmental impact and their ability to adhere to a wide range of materials.

Use of recycled and recyclable materials:

Our products are made from recycled materials or from natural fibres, making the disposal process quick and easy.

Recycling of waste and scrap:

Our products are made from recycled materials or from natural fibres, making the disposal process quick and easy.

Contact us

for information.

  • Via XXIV Maggio, 5 – 35010 Limena (PD)
  • +
  • poliflex@poli-flex